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Status report of the WLTP Transposition Task Force
Document GRPE-78-14/Rev.1
28 January 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) | Light vehicles: Global Technical Regulations Nos. 15 (WLTP) and 19 (WLTP EVAP)

16. The expert from EC, leading the task force on the transposition of WLTP into a UN Regulation annexed to the 1958 Agreement, introduced GRPE-78-14-Rev.1 on the activities of his group. He reported on an alternative concept to transpose UN GTR No.15 into a UN Regulation to avoid disharmonization by including Level 1a (Europe) in the 08 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 83. He detailed why the representatives from Japan objected to the proposal during a recent meeting of the task force.

17. He highlighted a request for the work on the transposition to be delayed by six months, with a draft working document to be proposed for the January 2020 session of GRPE. EC and Japan backed this request for a delay.

18. He also underlined the urgency of the task force to work on the definition of the most stringent, harmonized level (so called Level 2). The Chair recalled the need for harmonization of the legal provisions for mutual recognition at the most stringent level. He emphasized that harmonization should not force Contracting Parties to reduce their national level of stringency in emission performance.

19. The representative from EC agreed with the Chair on the need for harmonization and committed the EC to arrange meetings to solve the remaining issues. She also reminded the need to include Real Driving Emissions (RDE) provision within the 58 Agreement to be in line with the latest legislative developments in Europe.

20. The representative from Japan also agreed with the objective of harmonization.

21. The representative from OICA thanked the positive feedback from the chair, EC and Japan on reaching harmonization and reminded GRPE that harmonization had to be technically and economically feasible and insisted industry stakeholders remain available to be involved in any forthcoming discussions.

22. GRPE noted the request for a meeting room for one and half day during the GRPE week in May 2019.

Relates to UN R83 | UN R154 |