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Status report of the PMP informal group
Document GRPE-78-12/Rev.1
9 January 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)

42. The Chair of IWG on Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) presented a status report on activities on exhaust and non-exhaust particle emissions (GRPE-78-12-Rev.1). He informed GRPE about a change of secretary of IWG and informed GRPE about a change in timeline to deliver more rapidly a methodology to measure sub-23 nm exhaust particles. He noted that the timeline for the other activities of the group were not impacted by this anticipated delivery for sub-23 nm particles measurement provisions.

43. The representative from EC welcomed the decision to prioritize the work on the sub-23 nm exhaust particles measurement. She emphasized that EC would do their best to provide a drafting coordinator to assist the activities of IWGs on PMP, RDE and WLTP.

44. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by IWG on PMP and noted that the group had not requested a meeting room for the GRPE week in May 2019.

Relates to NEPE | PMP |