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Proposal for a new regulation for vehicles of category M3 with regard to the protection of the driver and crew member(s) seated alongside the driver in the case of a frontal collision
Document GRSG/2007/33
6 August 2007
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. (a) | UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)

6. Referring to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2007/33 tabled by Germany on a new draft UN Regulation on frontal protection of buses, the expert from Norway presented GRSG-115-04 reiterating the need to enhance the protection and integrity of the compartment of the driver and any crew member of buses and coaches in case of a frontal collision. The expert from the United Kingdom reported on the rarity of statistical data available in his country on such accidents. He preferred receiving first some more research on causality data. The expert from Finland echoed that position and questioned if this subject was not a matter of passive safety falling under the responsibility of the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP). The expert from Germany was of the opinion that there are already a number of active safety systems available today.

7. Finally, GRSG agreed on the need to collect some accidentology data on frontal collisions of buses and coaches resulting in risks for the driver and/or crew member. The GRSG Chair invited all governmental experts to investigate on their national/regional statistical data and to provide the results to GRSG for consideration at its April 2019 session. GRSG agreed to keep GRSG-115-04 on the agenda as a reference document.

Relates to UN R107 |