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Status Report of the Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems informal group (IWG-DPPS)
Document GRSP-64-36
12 December 2018
Submitted by Korea
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 9: Proposal for Amendment 3
3. (c) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 9: Proposal for Amendment 4

9. The expert from the Republic of Korea, Chair of the IWG on Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (DPPS) introduced GRSP-64-36 to inform GRSP about the status of the IWG work. He explained that the group had last convened in Geneva on 11 December 2018. He added that the group was working to develop new and more detailed requirements to ensure that deployable systems were correctly activated as designed to protect pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. He underlined that among the major issues was the validation of the Head Impact Time (HIT) determination procedure and that the group was considering both numerical simulation and physical dummy testing. The expert from OICA stated that when numerical simulation was conducted, the manufacturer should provide supporting evidence showing the appropriateness of the simulation tool and suitable biofidelity and kinematics of the chosen numerical models. Therefore, he recommended that the walking posture of the model should be in M.R.1. and be updated regularly. The expert from the Republic of Korea concluded that IWG also was considering the development of a corresponding proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 127. GRSP agreed to resume consideration on this agenda item at its May 2019 session.

Relates to GTR No. 9 | UN R127 |