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UN R51.03: Last sentence of paragraph 6.2.3.
Document GRB-68-03
27 August 2018

ASEP informal group report on the effort to provide clarification and guidance on the interpretation and application of paragraph 6.2.3. last sentence of UN R51.03 (“The sound emission of the vehicle under typical on-road driving conditions, which are different from those under which the type-approval test set out in Annex 3 and Annex 7 was carried out, shall not deviate from the test result in a significant manner.”)

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (b) UN R51: Additional sound emission provisions

8. The expert from IWG ASEP presented GRB-68-03 on interpreting the general ASEP provisions in the last sentence of paragraph 6.2.3. of the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51. IWG ASEP was of the view that the developed definitions and specifications were adequate and valid enough to satisfy the intention of this sentence. Outside the specified control range, IWG ASEP deemed it difficult to provide viable specifications. IWG ASEP suggested that the provided interpretation be used as guidance for manufacturers, technical services, and type approval authorities for the practical application during type approval, conformity of production, and market surveillance.

9. GRB endorsed GRB-68-03 and requested the secretariat to publish it as a reference document under a special folder on the GRB website. GRB also recommended IWG ASEP to keep this document for further consideration within the ongoing revision process of ASEP.

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