Report on the development of AEBS requirements for light vehicles, including a note on the intention to seek GRRF approval for a new regulation on M1/N1 vehicle AEBS separate from the current UN R131 on heavy-duty vehicle AEBS.
6. The expert from Japan presented (GRRF-86-12) a status report of the activities of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS). GRRF agreed that AEBS for light vehicles should perform when the target is a vehicle, a pedestrian or a cyclist, recognizing that the technology for cyclist detection is still being refined . GRRF agreed to also consider the concern raised by the expert from Sweden on the detection of big animals by AEBS.
7. GRRF also agreed that AEBS for light vehicle should not be included in UN Regulation No. 131, noting that UN Regulation No. 131 is aimed at addressing situations on highways, while AEBS systems for light vehicle would primarily address urban situations.