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Manipulation on EURO IV, EURO V and EURO VI trucks by suppression of ADBlue injection
Document WP.29-173-07
13 November 2017
Submitted by Switzerland
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7.2. Update of Rules Nos. 1 and 2
8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems

90. The representative of Switzerland presented WP.29-173-07, containing an update on circumstances in the detection of aftermarket manipulation of EURO IV, EURO V and EURO VI truck engines by the suppression of AdBlue injection, up to mid-September 2017. He explained that there were six heavy-duty truck control centres in Switzerland, that have controlled 14,245 vehicles from February to mid-November 2017. During that period, 199 vehicles were detected with irregularities in the pollutant control equipment – or about one per cent of all controlled vehicles. The representative of Switzerland provided information on the emission category engines and brands of vehicles that are most commonly detected to be manipulated, the countries of origin and the specific kind of manipulation that is most commonly detected. He explained that the number of detected manipulations had in recent months decreased as a proportion of total number of vehicles controlled, concluding that the activities of control centres have shown effect.

91. The Chair of WP.29 invited stakeholders to contact the Swiss delegation to contribute to the discussion and invited the Swiss delegation to give an update at the next WP.29 session in March 2018.

22. Amendments to Rules Nos. 1 and 2
Relates to PTI Anti-Tampering | Rule No. 1 | UN R49 |