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Follow-up on WHO initiative towards voluntary global performance targets (AC.2-124-12)
Document WP.29-172-29
20 June 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.5. | WHO initiative towards voluntary global performance targets

109. WP.29 noted the follow-up of deliberations on WHO Discussion Paper “Developing voluntary global performance targets for road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms” and the incorporation of comments delivered at this March 2017 session as reproduced in Annex V. WP.29 agreed to transmit the above mentioned text to WHO secretariat.

110. IMMA thanked UNECE secretariat for preparing the draft comments on behalf of WP.29 and informed that IMMA had submitted a response directly to WHO on the Discussion Paper. The representative of OICA informed WP.29 that he would shortly submit a separate OICA contribution to WHO addressing the aspect of vehicle requirements to be made mandatory in the various countries. Therefore, he would have preferred a more coordinated approach towards WHO.