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Status report of the WLTP informal group
Document GRPE-75-20
8 June 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) | Light vehicles: Global Technical Regulation No. 15 on Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)

7. The Chair of the IWG on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) reported on the ongoing Phase 2 activities under each of the task forces (GRPE-75-20). He anticipated that the IWG on WLTP may need some additional time to finalize all Phase 2 activities due to the complex and heavy workload to be carried out; he mentioned that GRPE will be informed accordingly in the following sessions. He requested guidance from GRPE on the preferred approach for WLTP construction either in a single UN global technical regulation (GTR) or separate GTRs.

8. The experts from EC and India expressed their preference to use separate GTRs in order to give more flexibility to Contracting Parties to the 1998 Agreement when transposing into national/regional legislation.

9. GRPE agreed on the general principle to have several GTRs in the framework of WLTP so that the 1998 Agreement is more attractive, and to then attempt to combine those GTRs when WLTP is transposed into Regulations under the 1958 Agreement.

Relates to GTR No. 15 |