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Status of the transposition of GTR No. 15 into UN Regulations for light vehicle emissions
Document GRPE-75-18
8 June 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) | Light vehicles: Global Technical Regulation No. 15 on Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)

13. As leader of the task force on the transposition of WLTP into the 1958 Agreement, the expert from EC presented GRPE-75-18 on an alternative transposition route. He explained that the idea of a new Regulation on WLTP (Type 1 and Type 4 tests) including regional levels and the most stringent level (Level 2, which would be the only one subject to mutual recognition) remained the same as agreed in the past. He proposed to change the original plan to develop a second new Regulation for other tests beyond Types 1 and 4 and to use existing Regulation No. 83 instead. He expressed the task force’s intention to do it through a new series of amendments (08) that would adapt Regulation No. 83 to the European requirements (e.g. Real Driving Emissions (RDE)) and that would refer to the new Regulation on WLTP to gain approval for tests Types 1 and 4. He emphasized that in this way Regulation No. 83 would stay alive and no Contracting Parties would have to cease applying it. He mentioned some ongoing discussions regarding In Service Conformity (ISC) and the scope of the 1958 Agreement.

14. The expert from OICA expressed his positive opinion on the solution found and encouraged GRPE to start thinking of how to deal with CO2 emissions and energy consumption and of whether Regulations Nos. 83 and 101 should be kept separate or should be combined in line with the WLTP approach. Following a question by the expert from India on the possibility to include RDE in WLTP, he preferred to get an opinion from OICA and to consider first the challenges to harmonize RDE taking into account the sensitivity between authorities.

15. GRPE endorsed the new transposition route as proposed in GRPE-75-18 and agreed to resume discussion at its next session on the basis of the work carried out by the task force. The Chair of GRPE expressed his intention to seek the consent of WP.29 on this proposed route at its forthcoming session in June 2017.

Relates to UN R154 |