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Fifth progress report of the EVS informal group
Document WP.29/2017/103
7 April 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
19.8. Draft global technical regulation on Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS)

142. The representative of the United States of America, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on EVS, informed AC.3 that GRSP had recommended submission to the November 2017 session of AC.3, of the draft UN GTR WP.29-172-06 and of the final report of the IWG (WP.29-172-05). AC.3 noted the intention of the IWG to continue its activity by already starting the work on Phase 2 until the end of its mandate in December 2017. AC.3 agreed in principle with the request, pending: (a) an official authorization to develop the work of Phase 2 of the UN GTR for submission to the November 2017 session of AC.3, and (b) the Term of Reference of the IWG for the Phase 2 for submission at a later stage. AC.3 noted that this approach would avoid the discontinuation of IWG work activities and deal with the urgent, pending issues from Phase 1 of the UN GTR (WP.29-172-06).

Relates to GTR No. 20 |