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International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) presentation: Standardization of warning information
Document GRSG-112-06
14 March 2017

Presentation concerning ISO vehicle propulsion energy identification standardization.

Submitted by CTIF
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. | Regulation No. 110

31. The expert from the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) gave a presentation (GRSG-112-06) on the need to harmonize the identification of propulsion and energy storage systems in vehicles to reduce the risks for rescuers during their interventions in case of severe road accidents. He informed GRSG about their cooperation with ISO on this subject and the work progress done. He expected that the new standard ISO 17840‐4 would be published in near future. He underlined that the location or position of labels on the vehicle or in the emergency response guide was outside the scope of the ISO standard. Thus, he sought the advice of GRSG experts on how to address this problem within the UN vehicle regulations. GRSG welcomed the information and had a detailed exchange of views on the best way to move forward, either as amendments to existing UN regulations or as a new guideline document to be annexed to one or the other resolutions on the construction of vehicles. Following the discussion, GRSG preferred to wait for the final publication of the ISO standard and invited the expert from CTIF to prepare in the meantime concrete proposals for possible amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 67 (LPG vehicles), 100 (Electric power trained vehicles), 110 (CNG/LNG vehicles), 134 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles) and the new UN Regulation on AECS. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this item at its next session in October 2017.

Relates to GTR No. 20 | UN R110 | UN R115 |