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Discussion of DRL automatic switching proposal for Regulation No. 53
Document GRE-77-17
30 March 2017

During April 2016, Japan presented a study to GRE-75 on the disturbance due to the use of motorcycle daytime running lamps (DRL) at night (see GRE-75-09). A proposal (GRE/2016/35 supported by GRE-76-03) for automatic switching between DRL and headlamps was then presented during October 2016 at GRE-76. Italy, among others, raised a reservation. This document details Italy’s concerns with the proposal by Japan.

Submitted by Italy
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. (b) Other Regulations: Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)

31. Due to lack of time, GRE did not consider ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/26, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2017/27, GRE-77-08, GRE-77-09, GRE-77-17, GRE-78-22 and GRE-78-24.

7. (c) Other Regulations: Regulation No. 53

24. The expert from Japan provided additional explanations to their proposals for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 regarding a new requirement for automatic switching from DRL to the headlamp (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/35 and GRE-77-19). The experts from India and Italy commented on the proposals (GRE-77-09 and GRE-77-17).

25. The experts from Italy, Netherlands and IMMA requested more time to study the proposals and comments. The expert from EC recalled that this matter had already been considered at three consecutive sessions of GRE without a conclusion. He called for the establishment of a task force to tackle the issue. The experts from Japan, India, Italy, Netherlands and IMMA expressed their willingness to participate in the task force. GRE hoped that it would be able to finalize the consideration of the proposals at the next session without establishing a task force. To this end, the Chair urged all experts to study the proposals and provide their comments prior to the next session.

7. (e) Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)

28. The expert from Japan introduced a proposal for the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 53 with a new requirement for automatic switching from the daytime running lamp (DRL) to the headlamp (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/35, Informal document GRE-76-03). The experts of Finland, Germany and EC supported the proposal. The experts of France, Italy and UK identified technical issues which would need further attention. GRE agreed to revert to this issue at the next session. GRE also noted proposals by the expert from India (GRE-76-06). GRE invited experts to review these proposals and to send their comments to the author before the next session.

7. (i) Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)

39. The expert from Japan proposed to automatically switch from the daytime running lamp (DRL) to the headlamp at night. The experts from Austria, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, UK and IMMA commented on the proposal. GRE encouraged all experts to study the proposal and to provide their comments, if any, by the end of June 2016. GRE also invited the expert from Japan to take these comments into consideration and to submit an official document to the next session.

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