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World Blind Union statement on the proposed UN Regulation on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles
Document WP.29-168-13
7 March 2016

While encouraged by the adoption of a uniform minimum sound alert standard, the WBU continues to believe that: 1) the proposed minimum sound standard is too low for safety; 2) the AVAS should remain on while the QRTV is active but stationary; and 3) the regulation should prohibit manufacturers from providing a means of pausing the alert sound.

Submitted by WBU
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3.5.3. Working Party on Noise (GRB) (Sixty-third session, 16-18 February 2016)

33. The representative of WBU welcomed the preparation of the draft QRTV Regulation (agenda item 4.13.1) and the adjustment of the Terms of Reference of the IWG of the QRTV Regulation to tackle the concerns of WBU (WP.29-168-13). He also thanked the expert from Japan for his proposal to prohibit the AVAS pause switch that had been made at the sixty-third session of GRB. In this context, the representative of Japan expressed his support to the adoption of the draft QRTV Regulation upon understanding that, in the future, it could be amended prohibiting the pause switch. He invited experts from other countries to cooperate on this issue. The representative of the United States of America informed the World Forum that the national Rule on AVAS would be published in his country in the coming months and that the Rule would provide for AVAS sound at idle and would ban the pause switch. The representative of EU pointed out that the EU Member States would be ready to vote for the draft QRTV Regulation and thanked Japan for their proposal to address the pause switch issue at a later stage.

4.13.1. Proposal for a new Regulation concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicles
Relates to UN R138 |