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Proposal for amendments to the informal document GRRF-81-06
Document GRRF-81-07
19 January 2016

Further refinements from the informal group on UN Regulation No. 55 to introduce provisions for modular vehicle combinations (e.g., rigid truck + semi-trailer + dolly). This proposal concerns a procedure to identify allowable combinations of performance values Dc and V for drawbar coupling equipment.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. | Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings)

17. The Secretary of the IWG introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/29 (amended by GRRF-82-27) with technical requirements for coupling devices for the purpose of modular vehicle combinations as well as “in-use” requirements for the combination of vehicles. The proposal, supported by GRRF, received some comments about the possibility to verify, at the time of type approval, the compliance with these “in use” requirements. GRRF questioned whether a driver could be requested to verify during a coupling phase the compatibility requirements defined in the proposal. The expert from CLEPA showed that calculation tools were available on the website of his company ( and argued that it would be possible. GRRF agreed that this aspect of the proposal would need further consideration by the IWG who should recognise that new measures must be enforceable via type approval.

4. | Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings)

17. The expert from CLEPA also presented GRRF-81-06, proposing amendments to Regulation No. 55 in the case of Multiple Vehicle Combinations. GRRF as well as the IWG on MVC supported in principle the proposal and requested that the IWG on Regulation No. 55 prepares an official document for consideration at the next GRRF session.

18. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRRF-81-07, proposing the procedure to identify allowable combinations of performance values Dc and V for drawbar coupling equipment. The expert from the UK noted that an editorial correction would be needed in paragraph 4.1.1. and proposed to assist the Secretary of the IWG to prepare an official document for consideration at the next GRRF session.

5.6. | Item 22 (Interpolation formula)

This item was agreed at our Poznan meeting. To our October meeting it was included in the proposal for Item 21. In order to make each proposal easier to comprehend it was now separated out. It was subject to the same principle discussion as Item 20. It was agreed to submit this proposal as an informal document to the GRRF 81.

7. | Report concerning the TFAC
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