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Third progress report of the Informal Working Group on Electric Vehicle Safety
Document WP.29/2015/107
24 August 2015
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
18.8. | Draft GTR on Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS)

136. The representative of the United States of America reported on the progress of the work by IWG on EVS (WP.29-167-21). He reminded AC.3 that this mandate was unique since four Contracting Parties to the Agreement have sponsored it. He underlined that the IWG faced difficulties on critical issues and areas where research was still ongoing. He explained that these issues include: (i) battery management system functionality, the water immersion test, the long-term fire resistance test, drop and rotation tests, the toxicity and corrosiveness of vented gas, thermal propagation in battery system, vehicle safety requirement during charging and scope expansion to the heavy duty vehicles. He added that, to complete this work and accomplish the original mandate, IWG had split the work into two phases. He explained that the Group would deliver what had been achieved so far in Phase 1 and would include the outcome of long-term research and future improvement in Phase 2. He finally asked AC.3 to grant extension of the mandate of the IWG until December 2016 to confirm the already scheduled work plan of the IWG which consists of three meetings in 2016 to complete Phase 1.

137. AC.3 endorsed the extension of the mandate and requested the secretariat to distribute WP.29-167-21 with an official symbol at its March 2016 session of AC.3.

Relates to GTR No. 20 |