5.c. New Approach by Chalmers
Dr. Johan Davidsson showed a new approach (WCWID-2-05) on how to develop injury criteria risk functions based on the data he presented in former meetings. The risk functions will be generated in following way:
a) Generate risk functions for the 17 groups included in the Davidsson and Kullgren IRCOBI 2013 paper will be generated. Data will be turned into binomial data by groping the data into better or worse than a state of the art.
b) Each accident that is included in the Folksam data base and for which there is accident reconstruction data available will be included in a large volume regression analysis. The main disadvantage is that the crash severity is unknown (a generic pulse and seating position is used in the reconstructions) and risk curves will be to some degree influenced by the generic pulse used in the accident reconstructions.
This approach can be used not only for NIC but also for Forces and Moments.
JD is aiming to provide this data for the London meeting.