World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 184 | 22-24 Jun 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 3.6.3.
Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Sixty-ninth session, 17-21 May 2020)

54. The Chair of GRSP informed WP.29 about the results achieved by his group during its sixty-ninth session (for details see the session report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/69), which took place virtually on May 17-21, 2021.

55. Concerning Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 9, the Chair of GRSP reported that, while treating this issue with utmost urgency, based on the consensus among the CPs, GRSP has decided to recommend postponement of the vote on Amendment 3 in AC.3 in June 2021. The Chair of GRSP reported that GRSP has agreed to establish a task force under the leadership of the United States to facilitate in timely fashion the discussion by the experts to reach clarity on the ramifications of the provisions and in connection with other relevant issues raised by the experts. An update on the progress to AC.3 may be given at the November session of WP.29, while the final report and proposal are expected to the December meeting of GRSP. WP.29 endorsed the approach of GRSP referring to the decision of AC.3 on this subject (see paras. 151 and 152 of the session report).

56. Concerning Amendment 4 to UN GTR No. 9, the Chair of GRSP reported that GRSP endorsed the request of the expert from the Republic of Korea to extend the mandate of the IWG until November 2022. Moreover, he urged experts of CPs to both 1958 and 1998 Agreements to provide an official position on applying the numerical simulation method to the proposed requirements to the UN Regulation/UN GTR by the December 2021 session of GRSP. WP.29 endorsed the request of GRSP pending confirmation of AC.3 at its November 2021 session.

57. On UN GTR No. 20 (Electric Vehicle Safety), the Chair of GRSP reported that GRSP agreed to grant an 18-months extension of the mandate of the IWG on Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS) to complete its work on the amendments to UN GTR No. 20 under Phase 2. WP.29 endorsed the request for the extension of mandate of the IWG on EVS until June 2023 pending confirmation by AC.3 at its November 2021 session.

58. In regard to the concern raised by Sweden over the poor representation of adult female by existing dummies, the Chair of GRSP reported that GRSP has agreed to establish an Ad-hoc group to examine the issue to ensure adherence to the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 5 on Gender Equality. An informal progress report may be given at the November session of WP.29. Based on the recommendation by Sweden, GRSP will also examine the most appropriate way to engage with other Working Parties (WPs), while the Chair of GRSP will continue discussion with AC.2 to seek guidance on cooperation with WPs. WP.29 agreed on the approach of GRSP to verify first the merit of this claim and then eventually consider the Terms of Reference of an Informal Working Group on this subject and the possible involvement of other working parties.

59. On UN Regulation No. 22 (Protective Helmets) the Chair of GRSP reported that an Ad-hoc group will continue its work under the leadership of Italy on examining the concerns with provisions of the latest series of amendments. WP.29 endorsed the approach of GRSP on this subject.

60. On UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems), the GRSP chair informed that GRSP adopted an interpretation of the expert from the Netherlands on the way “one belt route” defined by the current text of UN Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems). On request of GRSP he sought guidance to address the issue of interpretations of this kind in a more coordinated way in the work of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies. WP.29 recommended GRSP to continue discussion with such technical subjects either at the level of the working group or of a dedicated informal working group/task force.

61. Referring to the report of the 183rd session of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1157), the Chair of GRSP requested to introduce the following correction to paragraph 37, as follows:

“37. The World Forum noted that GRSP agreed to establish an Ad Hoc Group to study the impact of the latest series of amendments to the UN Regulation No. 22 (Protective Helmets) on the helmet and helmet accessories industries.”

62. Chair of GRSP further explained the GRSP position on the type-approval issued by Poland for a belt-guide device and reported to WP.29 on the outcome of discussion which took place at the sixty-eight session of GRSP. He explained that GRSP adopted a document which contains a list of statements/actions:

  1. The belt-guide device does not meet the requirements of the UN Regulation;
  2. There is no possibility to bring this device in line with the requirements of the UN Regulation;
  3. There is no legal base for the approval of the belt-guide under UN Regulation No. 44;
  4. Therefore, the approval under UN Regulation No.44 is invalid;
  5. GRSP is urging Poland to withdraw the approval.

63. WP.29 endorsed the decision of GRSP and urged the Type Approval Authority of Poland to take the appropriate steps.

GRSP/69 Report of GRSP on its 69th session