Working Party on General Safety | Session 104 | 15-19 Apr 2013
Agenda Item 11.
Abbreviations and acronyms used in UN Regulations

43. Recalling the discussion at the previous session on abbreviations and acronyms used in UN Regulations, GRSG noted that the UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRSG have a very different scope with any link to other Regulations and do not use same definitions. Therefore, GRSG decided that there was no need for such a list of abbreviations and acronyms.

43. Recalling the discussion at the previous session on abbreviations and acronyms used in UN Regulations, GRSG noted that the UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRSG have a very different scope with any link to other Regulations and do not use same definitions. Therefore, GRSG decided that there was no need for such a list of abbreviations and acronyms.

GRSP-51-03 Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the UN Regulations of GRSP (EC)