World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 181 | 24 Jun 2020
Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

18. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced of the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups (IWG) and Chairs (WP.29-181-01). He requested Contracting Parties to review the document and to inform the secretariat about any changes that would be required.

19. The secretariat presented the revised 2020 calendar for WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies (WP.29-179-02/Rev.2) and the calendar of work for WP.29 for 2021 (WP.29-181-02). Contracting Parties requested the rescheduling of meetings envisaged for February, September and November of 2021, which coincide with their national holidays.

20. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the revised PoW with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/1/Rev.1). He announced that an in-depth discussion on PoW priorities would take place during the 182nd session of the World Forum in November 2020, and that its outcome would be the basis for the 2021 PoW.

21. The 2020 revised calendar of meetings, the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups (IWGs) and Chairs, and the 2021 calendar of meetings are reproduced in annexes II, III and IV to the session report.

WP.29-181-02 Calendar of WP.29 sessions in 2021