Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 4 | 24-27 Sep 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 28 June 2019.

The GRVA session will begin at 9:30 on Tuesday (24 September) and finish by 12:30 on Friday (27 September). The session will be preceded by a meeting of the informal working group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV) on Monday from 11:00 until 17:30.

Agenda Item 8. (c)

59. The expert from the Russian Federation presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/18, proposing clarifications on Annex 7 of UN Regulation No. 13. The expert from OICA declared that the clarification was not necessary, as it would have no impact on the test results. The expert from the Russian Federation proposed a compromise including transitional provisions (GRVA-04-50). The expert from the Czech Republic supported the proposal and mentioned that a similar clarification should be provided for similar provisions in Part C of Annex 7. GRVA took note of a notice issued by the European Type Approval Authorities Meeting on this matter, supporting the Russian proposal. GRVA agreed to consider this matter at its next session.

60. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRVA-04-27 presenting the Electric Mechanical Brakes technology and the necessary changes in UN Regulation No. 13 to accommodate this technology. The expert from the Netherlands stated that such a proposal would also affect Annex 14 of UN Regulation No. 13. The expert from CLEPA answered that they only considered motor vehicles so far and not trailers. The Chair recalled previous discussions of Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) concerning Electronic Braking Control Systems. He recalled that GRRF had recognised that energy levels in batteries did not reduce linearly or predictably and had therefore agreed on electric control lines (with pneumatic redundancy) but not electric energy lines. He therefore asked whether CLEPA had considered redundancies. GRVA agreed to continue this discussion at its next session.

61. The expert from OICA introduced GRVA-04-30 proposing amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 concerning the Type II-A test for Battery Electric Vehicles already discussed at the second session of GRVA. The expert from OICA stated the Type II-A test provisions would have weight, packaging and costs implications for BEVs. GRVA noted the safety rationale behind the Type II-A requirement and that technologies to achieve compliance impacted equally on vehicles with other propulsion systems. The expert from CLEPA stated that they support the activity presented by OICA and that they would contribute to the research of an acceptable solution.