Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 66 | 10-13 Dec 2019
Agenda Item 5.
Harmonization of side impact dummies

13. GRSP noted the statement of the Chair of AC.3 at the June 2019 session of the Committee which had stressed that GRSP and other subsidiary bodies of WP.29 consider how to proceed with this subject at their next sessions. Contracting parties were requested to update GRSP on their available resources to address this matter, especially Canada, and to report to the December 2019 session of GRSP on the availability of resources to steer a IWG dedicated to test tools and dummies. He also recommended regular reporting on the progress of IWGs that address different test tools and their inclusion in M.R.1, at future AC.3 sessions. Among the possible options, GRSP recalled that, e.g. IWGs on UN GTR No. 9 and on Phase 2 of UN GTR No. 7 had delivered or would deliver amendments to M.R.1, including the specifications of their pertaining dummies without the support of a dedicated IWG on tool specifications. The expert from Canada stated that notwithstanding the interest of her country on this subject, her administration was not in the position to allocate resources to steer IWG. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on possible solutions on this subject at its GRSP 2020 session.