Working Party on Noise | Session 55 | 7-9 Feb 2012
Agenda Item 6.
Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling noise and wet grip adhesion)

15. Referring to the report of the September 2011 session of GRB (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/52, para. 12), the Chair of GRB clarified that GRB-54-12-Rev.1 adopted at its September 2011 session, will not affect the existing test methods but will rather constitute an alternative to improve the accuracy of the deceleration method. The expert from ETRTO confirmed the clarification of the Chair. The expert from France supporting the adoption by WP.29 of GRB-54-12-Rev.1, expressed the need of detailed elaboration of the concept of tyre deceleration (dω/dt) in the test technology. The expert from the Russian Federation informed GRB about the initiative made by experts from his country to ETRTO to create a task force of industry experts on deceleration test; to further consider the test method development. The expert from the Russian Federation announced his intention to keep GRB informed about this initiative at its furture sessions.

GRB-54-12/Rev.1 Revised proposal amending document GRB/2011/11