Working Party on General Safety | Session 115 | 9-12 Oct 2018
Agenda Item 1.
Adoption of the agenda

2. GRSG considered and adopted the agenda proposed for the 115th session.

3. GRSG also adopted the running order (GRSG-115-01) as proposed by the Chair. GRSG noted GRSG-115-02 on the main decisions and recommendations of the World Forum taken during its June 2018 session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1139 and Add.1). Upon the request by the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) to consider establishing a dedicated working party on vehicle automation, WP.29 had agreed to convert the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) into the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) and to reallocate certain tasks such as tyres to the Working Party on Noise (GRB) and coupling devices to GRSG (WP.29-175-25). GRVA would oversee the remaining topics from GRRF and encompass activities on vehicle automation. The coordination between the working parties (GRs) on the different vehicle automation activities would remain with WP.29. The WP.29 decision had taken effect immediately, but would have to be confirmed by ITC in February 2019.

4. The informal documents distributed during the session are listed in Annex I to the session report. The GRSG informal working groups are listed in Annex VI.

GRSG-115-01 Running order of the GRSG 115th session agenda
GRSG-115-02/Rev.1 General information and GRSG highlights from the June 2018 WP.29 session
GRSG/2018/10 Provisional agenda for the 115th GRSG session
GRSG/2018/10/Add.1 Addendum 1 to the provisional agenda for the 115th GRSG session
WP.29-175-25 Automated Vehicles: Creation of a dedicated GR working group