World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 175 | 18-22 Jun 2018
Agenda Item 3.5.1.
Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Seventy-ninth session, 24-27 April 2018)

47. The Chair of GRE reported on the results of the seventy-ninth session of GRE (for details, see the report in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/79).

48. He briefed WP.29 on the finalization of an extensive package of amendment proposals in the framework of simplification of lighting and light-signalling regulations, including:

  1. three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (LSD), Road Illumination Devices (RID) and Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD) which would supersede the numerous existing device regulations;

  2. transitional provisions to “freeze” these device regulations;

  3. amendments to the installation regulations that group the definitions and introduce references to the new simplified regulations.

49. WP. 29 noted that the only pending issue for the simplification package was a transitional provision regarding the validity of type approvals granted under the existing regulations to be “frozen”. GRE decided to put this transitional provision in square brackets, to revert to this issue at its next session. Any modification of the transitional provision that GRE might agree upon at its next session in October 2018, would be submitted to the November 2018 session of WP.29 as corrigenda to the original simplification package which otherwise would be issued in August 2018.

GRE/79 Report of the GRE on its 79th (April 2018) session