World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 174 | 12-16 Mar 2018
Agenda Item 2.1.
Coordination and organization of work: Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

15. The 126th session of WP.29/AC.2 (12 March 2018) was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy) and was attended, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690 and Amends.1–3) by the Chairs of GRB (France), GRE (Belgium), GRPE (Netherlands), GRRF (United Kingdom), GRSP (United States of America), GRSG (Italy), the Chair of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement (Japan), the Vice-Chair of WP.29 (Russian Federation), by the representatives of Canada, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, United States of America and European Union.

16. The new Director, Mr. Yuwei Li welcomed delegates of AC.2 and outlined his professional background and experience. The Director reminded delegates of the 2017 ITC ministerial resolution that supported the role of ITC and its subsidiary Working Parties as a global centre for inland transport international agreements and conventions. He stressed that all Working Parties should consider regional and global issues pertaining to their activities. The Director recalled conclusions of the 2018 ITC session, which in the context of WP.29 activities, supported the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, recognized the role of the World Forum in developing vehicle safety regulations, and of regulations addressing sectorial innovations. The work of the World Forum and its subsidiary bodies in addressing these issues at the global regulatory level is essential for achieving the associated Sustainable Development Goals.

17. AC.2 reviewed and adopted the agenda of the 174th session of the World Forum, and reviewed the draft agenda of the 175th session of the World Forum, scheduled to be held in Geneva from 23 to 26 June 2018.

18. AC.2 approved the participation at the World Forum, under Rule 1(d) of the Rules of Procedure of WP.29, of the following NGOs for the 2018-2019 biennium: American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC), the retread industry’s trade association (BIPAVER), European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP), Federation of International Motorcycling (FIM), Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA), Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP) Europe and World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA).

19. AC.2 invited the secretariat to present proposals for convening a combined session with the Global Forum for Road Safety (WP.1) in 2018 on automated driving related topics of common interest.

20. AC.2 reflected on the priorities for the work of WP.29 and on the possible impact of the allocation of tasks among GRs. AC.2 identified automation and environmental performance of vehicles among the priorities of the World Forum. AC.2 agreed that careful consideration of all other topics would be warranted.

21. AC.2 discussed in detail the need to possibly adapt the structure of the GRs to accommodate new priorities under WP.29. A short term solution is to maintain the current GR structure with work to continue within GRRF for the immediate future. Another option under consideration is to create a dedicated GR (i.e. new seventh GR or a converted GR) for automated vehicles (AV)* that would encompass all current automation activities.

* Note by the secretariat: The corresponding decision No.19 of the eightieth ITC session (Informal document ITC (2018) No.13, para. 19) uses the term “automated vehicles”.

22. As for the option of a dedicated GR, it was considered by a number of delegations a promising way forward, taking into account available resources, to stay with the current structure of 6 GRs and to create a dedicated GR for AV (GRVA) on the basis of GRRF. This would require the current activities of GRRF not directly related to vehicle dynamics to be reallocated to other GRs, with a view to making available sufficient space and resources in GRVA.

23. The representative of the United States of America requested more information regarding the responsibilities and tasks of each GR under the respective options. This information is needed to help inform each CP and to find an efficient solution within a reasonable amount of time.

24. AC.2 welcomed the preparatory work of the secretariat on updating the “Blue Book”.