Proposal to correct gas ratios formulae in UN Regulation No. 115
Proposal to correct gas ratios formulae in UN Regulation No. 115
Proposal for a draft supplement to UN R115 or for a draft corrigendum to Supplement 5 to the regulation (reference document WP.29/2012/104). The amendment would replace FCmean with FCnorm and provide an improved definition of the term.
Proposal for an amendment to UN Regulation No. 115
Proposal for an amendment to UN Regulation No. 115
Proposal from the GFV Informal Group. FCmean, as defined in paragraphs (LPG) and (CNG) of UN Regulation No. 115, is the mean value of the fuel consumptions of all the parent (test) vehicles, whereas the calculation of the gas ratio has to be made individually for each parent vehicle.
Therefore, FCmean has to be replaced by FCnorm as defined in UN R101.
This correction would align UN R115 with the corresponding provisions set out in UN R83