Proposal for a new UN Regulation No. 0 on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval
74. The representative of the Republic of Korea announced his intention to abstain from voting at AC.1 on document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/108 (new UN Regulation on IWVTA).
Report to 173rd WP.29 session from the 25th IWVTA Informal Group meeting
Report to 173rd WP.29 session from the 25th IWVTA Informal Group meeting
Draft UN Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval
Draft UN Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval
Proposal submitted by the informal working group on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval for the establishment of UN Regulation No. 0 regarding the approval of whole vehicles within the framework of the 1958 Agreement. The regulations would establish an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) scheme whereby Contracting Parties adhering to the Regulation may issue approvals to either a limited level (L-IWVTA) or to a wider range of technical topics included in the universal level (U-IWVTA). Contracting Parties are able to apply the limited or universal IWVTA depending upon the national situation.
The Universal-IWVTA (U-IWVTA) provides a greater level of certainty for vehicle manufacturers and Contracting Parties applying this UN Regulation, as the approval has to be accepted without further assessment of the technical items covered by the U-IWVTA issued. Contracting Parties applying this UN Regulation are not obliged to accept approvals to the limited level (L-IWVTA) but may do so at their choice. However, they have also to accept approvals issued pursuant to U-IWVTA.
The UN Regulation includes the administrative obligations of the IWVTA scheme. It does not establish separate technical requirements but instead refers to the provisions of the separate UN Regulations.
This proposal (WP.29/2017/108) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-nine Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-eight voted in favor with zero against and one abstaining.