World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 172 | 20-23 Jun 2017
Agenda Item 7.3.
Amendments to the 1997 Agreement

98. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI, presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/92 proposing amendments to the 1997 Agreement. He recalled the status of the discussion at the last session and proposed ways forward. WP.29 invited the Russian Federation to present the proposed amendments to the 1997 Agreement to the Secretary General in consistency with the provisions of the Agreement.

WP.29-172-22 Report to WP.29 about results of the 7th meeting of Informal Group on Periodical Technical Inspections
WP.29/2017/92 Proposal for amendments to the 1997 Agreement
WP.29/2017/92 Proposal for amendments to the 1997 Agreement
WP.29/2017/92/Corr.1 1997 Agreement: Corrigendum to the proposal WP.29/2017/92