Proposal to clarify the provisions for sequential activation of direction indicator lighting, especially concerning the interpretation of the phrase “one continuous line”. The proposal, developed by a special task force, clarifies the type definition and reduces the need for dividing sequential direction indicators into different types. This proposal revises the text to be more technology-neutral, removing specifications on how light sources are activated to focus on the visual performance as sequential lighting. The amendment of sub-paragraph 5.6.(c) of UN R6 clarifies what kind of vertical movement is not allowed in the sequential direction indicators, proposing a new new term “vertical oscillations” instead of the current wording “repeating alternation in the vertical direction”. The meaning is that not more than one change of direction upwards or downwards along the vertical axis is possible. The “continuous signal” is also defined in sub-paragraph 5.6.© of Regulation No. 6. The allowed distance between adjacent or tangential distinct parts is limited 50mm (which differs in this case from UN R48 specifications). Transitional provisions have been included.