World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 172 | 20-23 Jun 2017
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles

25. The representative of Germany presented WP.29-172-08 proposing to mandate GRRF to address higher level of automations in its regulatory work. The Chair of the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving (ITS/AD) recalled the decision of WP.29 in March 2017 on this matter (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1129, para. 24). WP.29 agreed to request GRRF to address SAE level 3 and 4, to defer the document to GRRF and to request GRRF to report on their view of the document at the November session of WP.29.

26. The secretariat recalled the statement of the representative of United Kingdom at AC.2 on challenges and sequence of meetings that would require an extraordinary meeting of GRRF in the week following the seventy-eighth session of GRE. WP.29 requested the secretariat to organize this one-day extraordinary session of GRRF and to reallocate, if necessary, the WP.29 resources to accommodate this request.

27. The Chair of the IWG on ITS/AD reported on the outcome of the IWG discussions at the meeting held during the week of WP.29 and highlighted that: (a) the Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Cybersecurity had been adopted by the IWG, (b) the discussions on the level definitions of autonomous driving had been concluded and that a final document would be presented to WP.29 for consideration and possible adoption at its November 2017 session, (c) following a brainstorming session on how to reflect the automation of vehicles within vehicle category denominations, the IWG had prefered to follow a pragmatic solution and not commit to a specific one at this stage, and (d) the initial discussions on future approaches and methods for testing of automated/autonomous vehicles had started. Furthermore, the IWG on ITS/AD had agreed to establish a new Task Force on testing of automated/autonomous vehicles.

28. The representative of the Russian Federation, Vice-Chair of WP.29, thanked the Chair of the IWG for the very interesting presentation and mentioned that normally the categories of vehicles are necessary for future requirements, which are applied for type approval. The scope of WP.29 is vehicle performance but not traffic rules and insurance fees, so this aspect should be taken into account when new definitions are proposed.

WP.29-172-08 Proposal for a decision on GRRF activities related to Automated Driving by WP.29 at its 172nd session (Germany)