Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 83 | 23-27 Jan 2017
Agenda Item 7. (j)
Tyres: Other business

47. The Chair of GRRF, recalling the purpose of GRRF-82-21 collecting the definitions in UN Regulations on tyres invited the expert from ETRTO to report on derived activities. The expert from ETRTO reported that he didn’t receive any feedback on this document. GRRF agreed to keep this document on the agenda of the next session.

48. The expert from Germany introduced GRRF-83-05 looking for guidance on the possibility to develop snow tyre provisions for all tyres and vehicles categories as it was already existing for snow tyres of category C1, C2 and C3 for vehicles categories M and N by amending all relevant Regulations or by amending the scope of Regulation No. 117. The expert from Japan and the Russian Federation volunteered to contribute to the work item proposed by Germany. GRRF requested to add an agenda item dedicated to snow tyres on the agenda.

GRRF-82-21 Definitions in regulations dealing with tyres (ETRTO)
GRRF-83-05 Tyre category definitions and requirements for tyre use on roads under winter conditions (Germany and BMDV)