Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 60 | 13-16 Dec 2016
Agenda Item 12.
Regulation No. 22

23. The expert from Germany announced that the presentation of an analysis on issues such as type approval markings would be deferred to the May 2017 session of GRSP.

24. GRSP resumed discussion on the issue of safety users of two-wheeler user safety, including riders of bikes assisted by an electric engine (pedalex) and the implications on drivers of the mandatory wearing by the driver of helmets that are type approved according to Regulation No. 22. The expert from France expressed concerns on viable enforcement rules if helmets with lower safety performances would be for ride two-wheelers at high speed. The expert from EC reiterated his statement that green alternatives such as electric bikes should be encouraged and not stifled by the use of bulky helmets. The expert from the Netherlands informed GRSP about a national initiative aimed at developing a standard on helmets dedicated to pedalex. He clarified that such a standard would promote helmets with higher level of safety than bike helmets and clear identification. He finally announced to provide full information would be provided at the May 2017 session of GRSP. The expert from the Russian Federation supported the comment of the experts from EC and the Netherland. The expert from Sweden suggested a more active participation from helmet manufacturers in the discussion so as to explain rationales to develop proper requirements for pedalex bike helmets. The expert from the United Kingdom clarified that motorcyclists make up 1 per cent of road traffic but 20 percent of fatalities in his country. He shared concerns on the enforceability of an alternative standard. He opposed the incorporation of alternative set of requirements in Regulation No. 22 as the existing requirements were technology neutral and already offered appropriate flexibility. The experts from Denmark, Italy and Poland argued that helmet safety should be independent of the propulsion type but rather focus on speed: the severity of injuries above 25 km/h is the same for pedalex as for motorcycles.

25. Finally, GRSP agreed to encourage the participation of helmet experts from the industry to adapt the design requirements of Regulation No. 22. At the same time, it was agreed to resume consideration of this agenda item at its May 2017 session including the harmonization of head-forms in the Regulation.

GRSP-57-06 Regulation No. 22 and electric bikes