62. Referring to the decision of WP.29 at its March 2016 session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1120, para. 38), the Secretary of GRRF reported on a discussion that took place at GRRF in the context of IWVTA (WP.29-168-15) and on the issue of the performance of automotive systems (e.g. Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems) in conditions other than those tested according to the regulated test procedures. He added that some safety systems, especially those relying on software, could be designed to only work in limited conditions corresponding to those tested rather than in all the relevant driving conditions.
63. GRSG noted the information and agreed on the need to discuss in the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum the possible risks of such systems. However, GRSG was of the opinion that type approval authorities should rely on the test provisions of the UN Regulations in force and should not perform a “fishing expedition” during the type approval procedure.