World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 169 | 21-24 Jun 2016
Agenda Item 7.3.
Establishment of requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres

78. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of IWG on PTI, presented the results of the fourth meeting of IWG on PTI. He thanked Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia (AMSS) for arranging the last meeting.

79. He informed WP.29 that the group had agreed on requirements for test methods, test tools, devices and equipment to be used for demonstrating compliance with vehicle performance requirements for incorporation into UN Rules.

80. He added that the general obligations and responsibilities of the Contracting Parties necessary to arrange PTI would be inserted in the 1997 Agreement.

81. He reported that the IWG on PTI had decided to develop a Resolution for detailed recommendations ensuring the objectivity and the high quality of the technical inspections. Contracting Parties would refer to this Resolution when establishing the suitability of their PTI system for the assessment of compliance with the prescriptions of UN Rules in the framework of the 1997 Agreement.

82. He recalled that, according to the Terms of Reference of IWG on PTI, the draft proposals on conformity of PTI process incorporating the draft amendments to the 1997 Agreement and the draft Resolution should be submitted to WP.29 in November 2016. Submission of draft documents on minimum inspection requirements for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)/Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles and electric and hybrid-electric vehicles to WP.29, was confirmed by the group for March 2017 and November 2017 accordingly.

83. The Co-Chair informed WP.29 that the next meeting had been scheduled for the beginning of September 2016 in Bucharest and invited the interested countries to take part.

WP.29-169-09 Report to WP.29 about results of the 4th meeting of Informal Group on Periodical Technical Inspections