Proposal to amend the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 (Denmark)
Proposal to amend the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129
Proposal to clarify the markings on modular CRS in order to minimize the potential for misuse of components. Since the base and the shell of an enhanced CRS can be sold separately, there is the possibility for mixing of elements from different CRS that have not been tested and approved as part of a modular system.
Double marking of modular CRS systems under UN Regulation No. 129 (Tass)
Double marking of modular CRS systems under UN Regulation No. 129
Presentation and proposal for clarification of language to avoid marking of stand-alone CRS that can be used as part of a modular CRS with markings under UN Regulation No. 44 and to ensure that all elements of a modular system are clearly tested, approved, and marked as parts of that modular system under UN R129.