Informal Group on Amendments to UN R55.01 | Session 12 | 14-15 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 6.3.

Mr. Alguëra proposed a change to the last sentence of the third section of Annex 5 §3.3. The proposal was a change in the allowable support load from 50 kg to 80 kg for C50 couplings with a jaw that can pivot around a transvers axle. In principle the delegates were in favor of the proposal. However it was an open question how to handle V-values. Should it be the same as for class A? How then to treat this on the type plate? Mr. Alguëra will contact KBA and discuss this issue. A detailed proposal will be proposed to the next meeting.

R55-12-18 Application for an amendments of UN R55 (Jost)