Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 13 | 11-12 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 8.
WLTP Phase 2
WLTP-13-08 Proposed organization for the Phase 2 development of GTR No. 15
WLTP-13-09 GTR No. 15 (WLTP) Phase 2: Work items and schedule
WLTP-13-10 GTR No. 15 (WLTP) Phase 2: Further consideration of work items (Japan)
WLTP-13-11 Japan proposal for new evaporative emissions test procedure under GTR No. 15 (Japan)
WP.29-167-29 Mandate for the Informal working group on Worldwide harmonized Light duty Test Procedure Phase 2 (WLTP Phase 2) (EC)