Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 81 | 1-5 Feb 2016
Agenda Item 11.
Regulation No. 89

63. The expert from OICA presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/21 proposing to extend the possibility of actuating the service braking system to vehicles of categories M2 and N2 below five tons. The proposal received some comments on possible safety risks. The expert from Switzerland explained that his country, due to specific geographic characteristics, had long roads with significant slopes and that the requirements shall take this specificity into consideration. The expert from OICA stated that, due to speed limiter (90 km/h), fully loaded vehicles of category M2 of N2 below five tons would have a smaller kinetic energy than fully loaded vehicles of category N1 driving at 130 km/h, therefore, the proposal is not introducing any road safety issue. The expert from Denmark noted that a tell-tale could be provided, in combination with the system actuating the service brakes, to make the driver aware of the service brake application. GRRF agreed to continue consideration of this agenda item at September 2016 session of GRRF and invited GRRF to provide evidences that no additional safety risk would be expected if the requested extension would be granted.

GRRF/2016/21 Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 89 (OICA)