World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 166 | 23-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 8.2.
Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN Global Technical Regulations adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements

86. In the absence of the Secretary of the Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1), the WP.29 secretariat informed the World Forum about the last session of WP.1 (23 to 26 March 2015). The secretariat reported that the amendments to the 1968 Vienna Convention are still in the one year period during which Contracting Parties to the 1968 Convention had the opportunity to communicate their support, rejection or request to convene a conference to discuss the proposed amendments to Articles 8 and 39 of the Vienna Convention. In addition, the secretariat reported that, at its seventieth session, WP.1 had discussed proposed amendments to Annex 5 on lighting and light-signalling and that they had made good progress, and would continue to discuss the proposals submitted by IMMA and Laser Europe at their seventy-first session.

87. The World Forum agreed to increase cooperation with relevant bodies within the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division (WP.29-166-09) to coordinate work, avoid duplication and create synergies in the various groups. WP.29 decided not to form new bodies for coordination, but to increase participation in the various sessions in order to enhance exchanges of information among the existing bodies, by exploring possibilities of inviting experts from other fora to attend sessions of IWG on ITS/AD.

WP.29-166-09 Enhanced cooperation and coordination on work related to ITS within relevant bodies WP.1, WP.29 and SC.1
WP.29-166-10 Note by the WP.29 secretariat on addressing challenges presented by automated/autonomous vehicles
WP.29-166-21 Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology