Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 71 | 9-12 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 14.
Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ)

64. The Chair of the IWG on VIAQ reported on the first meeting of the group held prior to GRPE (GRPE-71-30). He provided some information on the organization and road map of the group as well as on the work to be done.

65. The expert from the Russian Federation stated that the work should not only focus on the interior air emissions generated from interior materials but also on the air pollutants entering the vehicle together with the intake air from outside.

66. GRPE considered the inclusion in the scope of interior air pollutants from the outside air as a possible extension of the mandate at a later stage. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on VIAQ and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2016.

GRPE-71-30 VIAQ informal group status report (Korea)