Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 72 | 20-22 Oct 2014
Agenda Item 4. (j (ii))
Work progress of the International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB) task forces

50. The experts from GTB presented status reports of the GTB Working Group activities (GRE-72-27, GRE-72-28, GRE-72-29, GRE-72-30). Concerning the GTB activities to improve the situation with non-approved LED retrofit light sources used as replacement parts for filament light source, the experts from France and Italy were of the view that such replacement should be prohibited on safety concerns.

GRE-72-27 GTB Working Group on Light Sources: Status Report (GTB)
GRE-72-28 GTB Working Group on Installation: Status Report (GTB)
GRE-72-29 GTB Task Force on Conformity of Production: Status Report (GTB)
GRE-72-30 GTB Mirror Working Group SAE: Status Report (GTB)