Electric Vehicles and the Environment | Session 13 | 12 Jan 2015
Agenda Item 4.
Review of EVE-12-06e document: ‘Work of WLTP on EVs’

Mr. Olechiw introduced the topic using document EVE-12-06e and by reminding the group of the EVE-12 Action 2 (The EVE Secretariat will add document EVE-12-06e to the agenda of the next EVE meeting). The European Commission submitted the EVE-12-06e document for discussion during both the EVE-12 meeting and 164th WP.29 session; however, there was not sufficient time and/or representatives to discuss the document thoroughly. The EVE leadership requested the European Commission speak to the document during the EVE-13 meeting so that a better understanding could be obtained of the document and the proposed WLTP and EVE collaboration.

Mr. Klaus Steininger from the Commission spoke to document EVE-12-06e. The first part of the document details what the Commission envisions the WLTP IWG will complete in Phase 1b, 2, and 3 related to EVs. The second part of the document outlines potential areas of work that could be completed by the EVE IWG. However, this work could contribute to the WLTP GTR development; for example, the EVE IWG mandate Part A topics of EV power determination and EV battery durability are areas of work that the EVE IWG is leading, but could be areas of work where the EVE and WLTP IWGs could collaborate. The Commission indicated their position on EV work under the WP.29 forum is that any work that is directly related to the test cycle or complete vehicle should be performed by the WLTP IWG.

Mr. Olechiw led discussion of the document, and clarified that there is ongoing collaboration between the EVE and WLTP IWGs in terms of meeting attendance and informal updates given on each group during meetings. Also, during the EVE-12 meeting, it was decided that the WLTP test cycle should be the basis for any type of vehicle testing completed by the EVE group. Mr. Steininger indicated that for now, no further collaboration is needed, but that especially concerning the EV power determination and EV battery durability topics, discussion with WLTP IWG should continue.

ACTION 3: The EVE group will continue discussion with the WLTP IWG and European Commission about potential areas for collaboration in EV work.

EVE-12-06 European Commission comments, Work of WLTP on electrified vehicles (EV): phase 1b, 2 and 3 (Item 4) (EC)