World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 164 | 11-14 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 2.4.

23. WP.29 noted WP.29-164-27 on the activities of UNECE and the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) on autonomous vehicles and the request for guidance on the future direction. The Co-Chair of ITS announced that his group could provide recommendations at its forthcoming meetings. The Chair of GRRF stressed the need for feedback before the February 2015 session of GRRF to allow further work progress. WP.29 invited GRRF to follow the recommendations provided by the IWG on ITS, awaiting further instructions by WP.29 at its March or June 2015 sessions. WP.29 agreed to consider both ITS and autonomous vehicles under one agenda item “Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles” at its March 2015 session.

WP.29-164-27 How to deal with advanced automations and self-driving technologies?