Proposal for a new Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
Proposal for a new Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
Proposal for a new Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
Proposed text transposing GTR No. 14 on pole side impact protection into a UN Regulation under the 1958 Agreement. (A separate proposal for the 01 series of amendments (document WP.29/2014/80) has also been submitted to enable Contracting Parties applying this Regulation to require a vehicle-to-pole impact speed of 32 ±1 km/h regardless of the “vehicle width”.)
Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI) (Australia)
Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft Regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
Proposal for a 01 series of amendments to the proposed new UN Regulation on the approval of vehicles with regard to their pole side impact performance to enable Contracting Parties applying this new regulation to require a vehicle-to-pole impact speed of 32 ±1 km/h regardless of the “vehicle width”.