Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles | Session 34 | 3 Jun 2014
Agenda Item 7.

18. In the GFV group there was an LNG Task Force created to introduce LNG into R.110. This TF from the GFV which is an informal group of the GRPE delivered their output directly to the GRSG. The work on amendments to R.110 adding LNG components was completed and adopted by GRSG in November 2013, approved by WP29 and will come into force in July 2014. There still are some correcting amendments being made to this large package of R.110 issues.

19. Another discussion has occurred about doing a complete review of R.110 and it was discussed between Chairman Rijnders and Mr. Erario, Chairman of GRSG. If such an effort is undertaken it will happen formally under the GRSG.

20. There were other issues associated with the WLTP that affect light duty vehicles for gaseous fuels and these are being monitored in case there are specific things that must be considered by GFV.

21. No other issues were raised by the group.

22. Mr. Rijnders suggested that HDDF work was not done at this meeting but invited any interested parties to join in the activities.