Working Party on Noise | Session 60 | 1-3 Sep 2014
Agenda Item 16.
Exchange of views regarding the future work of GRB

26. The expert from ISO informed GRB about a new standard ISO 362-3 on indoor testing of pass-by noise (GRB-60-09). The objective of this new standard is to provide a basis for the official recognition of an indoor-pass-by-test for type approval of road vehicles of categories M and N. GRB noted that the indoor testing according to ISO 362-3 does not depend on climatic conditions and could become an alternative to the outdoor testing as described in ISO 362-1. GRB decided to revert to this issue at the next session and invited all experts of GRB, as well as of the IWG on UN Regulations Nos. 51 and 59, to consider if a reference to ISO 362-3 could be incorporated into UN Regulation No. 51.

GRB-60-09 ISO 362-3: Indoor-testing of pass-by noise (ISO and BMW)
GRB-60-17 ISO 10844: Comparison of 2014 version against 2011 version (ISO)