Working Party on Noise | Session 53 | 15-17 Feb 2011
Agenda Item 5.
Regulation No. 59 (Replacement silencing systems)

16. Recalling the discussion at previous sessions of GRB, the expert from CLEPA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2011/5 proposing to include requirements on silencers or components filled with absorbing materials into Regulation No. 59. He also introduced GRB-53-24 containing additional provisions for anti-tempering measures. The expert from ETO/SEMA expressed her preference to specify more detailed provisions on anti-tampering.

17. GRB adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2011/5 as reproduced in GRB-53-24. The secretariat was requested to submit the adopted proposal to the WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their June 2011 sessions, as draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 59.

GRB-53-24 Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 59 (CLEPA)
GRB/2011/5 Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 59 (CLEPA)