Working Party on Noise | Session 59 | 28-30 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 7. (a)
Additional sound-emission provisions for Regulations Nos. 9, 63 and 92

21. The expert from EC informed GRB that EU intended to apply to these Regulations, but would need additional research, in particular with regard to tampering of silencers. To this end, a study would be launched before the next session of GRB in September 2014. Pending EU contributions, GRB decided to keep this issue on the agenda. The expert of IMMA made note that anti-tampering provisions were already introduced in the last amendments of these UN Regulations. Finally, GRB agreed to change the title of this agenda item to “additional provisions”, to distinguish it from agenda item 3© and to resume discussion on this subject at its September session on the basis of new information provided by the expert from EC.