World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 191 | 13-16 Nov 2023
Agenda Item 8.5.3.
Russian Federation issues

162. The representative of the Russian Federation presented informal document WP.29-191-19 concerning the non-compliance by some Contracting Parties with the provisions of the 1958 Agreement, namely in terms of unjustified avoidance of inspection control of the conformity of production from Russian manufacturers in the absence of any obstacles to such control, which creates a threat of cancellation of Type approvals issued to Russian manufacturers.

163. In addition, the representative of the Russian Federation noted the facts of the lack of responses to requests from the Russian Type Approval Authority to confirm the fact of granting and authenticity of Type approvals and informed that if there are no responses to these requests within 30 days, Type approvals will not be considered granted, will not be accepted in the Russian Federation and products will not be allowed on the Russian market. In addition, the Russian Federation will have the right to consider it possible to grant type approval for such products by the Russian Type Approval Authority.

164. At the same time, the representative of the Russian Federation supported the active use of the DETA database and confirmed that Type approvals uploaded to this database will be accepted in the Russian Federation without additional confirmation.

165. The representative of the Russian Federation also presented informal document WP.29-191-20 regarding the actions of European manufacturers with Type approvals that could lead to non-compliance with the established requirements of the UN Regulation, namely the fact that the service centers of their Russian dealers are disconnected from the after-sales service systems of vehicles and the cessation of supplies of original replacement parts and consumables to Russia. These actions result in non-compliance with the requirements of the UN Regulations by vehicles in operation on the territory of the Russian Federation, and therefore the Russian Federation has invited such manufacturers and the Type Approval Authorities that have granted such manufacturers Type approvals to take the necessary measures to ensure that the non-compliance is eliminated.

166. The representative of the Russian Federation highlighted that when such automakers decide to restore their presence in the Russian market, the Russian Federation will take comprehensive measures in order to fully restore the compliance of their products with established requirements. Compliance with these requirements will be one of the main (key) conditions for returning to the Russian market.    

166. The representative of the Netherlands pointed on solutions established during COVID-19 period that could be applied to overcome current limitations.

WP.29-191-19 Concerning nonfulfillment of the 1958 Geneva Agreement provisions by some Contracting Parties (Russia)
WP.29-191-20 Regarding the creation of obstacles in the implementation of provisions of UN Regulations on the territory of the Russian Federation (Russia)